Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A new game in town

Just found a wonderful inspiring game with music and particles.
Just check out :


and let me know, what you think..
I am in the winter level and still love it.
Very creative, very different and very beautiful!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Thinking about thinking

Watching an interesting feature about the power of music I wonder if we should focus more on the trivial when researching the functioning of the brain. Why is it, that we can understand non native speakers even if theyr grammar is real bad ? What are the reasons behind such things as different as enjoying music, painting or doing smalltalk ? Maybe we focus way to much on the rational aspects of the brain and should focus more on the irrational, the emotional parts. To me, intelligence is nothing without emotions. But how much influence is there from emotions in the development of the brain. How much influence is there in the correlation of dreaming and intelligence? I deeply believe that dreaming is sort of a repair and learning mechanism, sort of a way to adopt to new experiences by trying out alternatives.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It is over but still it is relaxing

Had a rather different christmas this year. First, no longer member of the club we had a very relaxed winter solstice celebration.
Now we will start with the preparations for the new years eve dinner.
It will be a 5 dishes menu with the theme of "Mozart and its time".

Looking forward to it, expecially cause all our kids are big Mozart fans and love his music at least as much as i do.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas fast approaching

Thank god last friday the release version of the project i am working on was delivered and approved by the customer. Yesterday we launched it and I now can have a really relaxed holiday season.

And with my new umts stick I can be online wherever I am.

And no, I am no internet addict..But a near miss ;) Call me geek and you are never wrong....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend already over again.

The testing showed some minor glitches but overall, the saturday work went rather smoothly. We still have two minor glitches in the whole system but the basic technology finally works smoothly.

It is no longer following my personal design principle for good software (KISS - Keep IT Small, Stupid.)

But hey, I get payed therefore I will obey ;). I still can do it my style with the work I do for the community ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

(Not really) great news for the evening.

I have to do extra hours on saturday.

And I will be the only technician at work, other than that its only the customer being present.

Great. It could have been a great weekend and now it is just a pile of badly wasted time at the office. (cause either everything that will be tested is ok, or we will have to fix it on monday. I am not the guy with the customer knowledge but rather the technician..But that does not bother anyone ;) )